Business : Personal
I have a confession to make
First of all it's F R I D A Y and the weekend is just a few hours away! Lately there has been a lot of changes happening at PGP which is awesome so I just want to let you guys know where I'm at. As a Charlotte Family photographer & Charlotte Wedding photographer gearing up for a new stage in Priscilla Green Photography looking forward to year 2017 ( I know thats a couple of months left to go.) I have to admit for the last 3 years I haven't given it my 110% to my business success and personal success goals. I have done a great job as a photographer but I have not been a great business owner; much more like a satisfactory one just enough to run a photography business. Although I have given all I can to my clients with my time, creativity and photography skills. I have been scared to take big risks with my business goals; the business side of things (in other words excuses) although some fair ones... I have been dreaming too small, taking tiny baby steps, just too busy trying to be a mom, or my husband first needs to finish his Phd in Physics like I said excuses (for me.) And even though my dream is much alive and business is definitely growing I have let fear of "not knowing" or "uncertainty" slow down my dream. So what do I to change that... Priscilla Green Photography got a "facelift" invested in a new branding look, website that i'm in love with because let's face it I'm a creative and love PRETTY things! I am also trying out 17 hats a business software that will hopefully make business management much more productive. And of course throw myself and business out there (Network & Advertise!) other improvements include a much better blogging workflow and Album design software where my clients can comment on the changes they want made and approve online! One of my greatest fears is rejection and I'm proud to say not everyone is my client. I think many of us can admit to that but as a photographer our work is very personal and it hurts when someone does not value your work or like it very much. Thankfully I have found who are my clients and they are detail oriented, love to laugh, have fun, very stylish, LOVE and VALUE my photography but most of all their in love with their family or special someone :) And lastly one of my greatest business goals is to offer amazing customer service because thats really what its about for me creating a amazing experience from beginning to end with PGP. For my portrait clients from the first phone call, to the styling consultation where we choose a location perfect for my client, makeup artist, to what to wear, what props to bring, to the reveal of the images and final professional products. My ultimate goal is to create a personal experience different from the last for my client that is unique to them. And for my Wedding clients as well. It's all about the connections. And if you have any ideas that would be great to add to my client experience please feel free to send me a message.
I know it seems like I was just throwing ideas here and there but I just felt like I needed to say this more for me than anything. And to say I am committed to the success of this photography business. Cannot wait to see what's in store for this small business of mine and the great people I will photograph. Until then have a great weekend! Stay safe.
xoxo Priscilla-
SNOW!!! {Personal}
It was a hard one! To get out of my comfy warm house to go play outside and get a snow picture. It's become a tradition, it snows at least once a year in Charlotte, NC. We didn't get pictures in 2015 but here's 2014 pictures. Hope you had a safe snowy day!
Stay off the roads if you can :)
It was a hard one! To get out of my comfy warm house to go play outside and get a snow picture. It's become a tradition, it snows at least once a year in Charlotte, NC. We didn't get pictures in 2015 but here's 2014 pictures. Hope you had a safe snowy day!
Stay off the roads if you can :)
Charlotte NC Family Photographer :: "If it scares you It might be a good thing to try"
I have a note book that says this quote "if it scares you it might be a good thing to try" by Seth Godin
And for me It is so true, to dream big is scary and to go after them is even scarier you have to take some kind of risk. It makes you vulnerable because your dreams are out in the open, fear of failing, or doing it wrong, or not being loved. For me it's my business. I love photography and I love connecting with new people and being able to capture their true self. But the Business side scares me, I'm a photographer at least thats what I thought when I first opened Priscilla Green Photography... that I only needed to be good at photography and master my craft. But thats not good enough to run a successful business; I have learned these past few years. I have learned so much in how to run a business, have set goals that I want to achieve and a certain look I want for my brand. So if your scared to step out and follow your dreams, I encourage you. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. I'm still not where I want to be, but I'm a step closer than I was yesterday. Don't let your fears get in the way of doing the things you love. You are Worth it and loved so try, take a step and you will be a little closer to your dreams.
Charlotte NC Family Photographer :: Personal :: Urban Portrait :: My Little Daniel turns #3 years old
Wow. This is my little son Daniel he just turned #3 three days ago and he is fascinated with trains. Time flies, yet it feels like time passes by so slow on long days when were tired. Because let's face it being a parent is hard. But this kid here, he brings so much joy to my life and I wouldn't have it any other way, because he is a blessing and he is mine! Look out for a full blog post. Tips when photographing your child especially when young dress them in clothes that are comfortable to them, be patient, have fun and make it quick after 10 minutes they will get tired and will not act their best.
Charlotte NC :: Family Portrait Photographer :: Personal Family Portraits
All Summer long I had been waiting for the perfect time to take pictures or the most convenient time for me and my family to take our Summer 2014 pictures. The "Perfect moment" never came all Summer long... This past weekend on Sunday we had the best weather in Charlotte NC and it was the last weekend in Summer too. We came home after church not knowing what we were going to do for the day, one of those I don't want to do anything type of Sunday. As we were getting ready to go inside, my son started running around in the front yard and wanting to ride his bicycle. So I got the idea to go grab my camera and take his pictures...I had missed his 2year pics in July for his 2nd bday :( It's never really too late.
I'm so glad I did. It started with taking his pictures and quickly turned into family portraits. We all matched and it was perfect. I was so excited and happy because I had been wanting family portraits all summer long. We got so lucky with perfect weather and a good fun time.
So my advice to you don't wait for the perfect moment to capture life because it goes by too quickly and time does not wait on you. That's my lesson learned.
I love my family and these photographs perfectly capture the place in time we are in life as a family.
Please enjoy.
My wish is when I photograph your family or event is that I bring to you as much joy as my own personal pictures bring to me.